"Ebb Tide"
The Bodie Island Lighthouse is located eight miles south of US 158 and the US 64 intersection. The 165-foot high horizontally-striped lighthouse is not open for climbing. There are exceptions, however, and on special occasions the Light Station is open to visitors. A visitor center in the old keeper's quarters features exhibits. There are 214 steps to the lantern room. Has anyone seen the Chevy?
Oh, my word. Hey, Chevy, this is not one of those special occasions. Get down from there before you fall and break a tailpipe, or worse. If we can't see the view from the top, neither can you.
Tall and slim, with bold black alternating with stark white circular stripes the Bodie Island Lighthouse sits not on an island at all; it is located on the soundside of Highway 12, between Nags Head and Oregon Inlet. It was completed in 1872, the third lighthouse built in this area. The first was destroyed by a storm and the second by war.
For over 200 years, many a vessel encountered the huge waves, strong currents and high winds offshore near Bodie Island, and many met their fate along that stretch of the Atlantic.
The marshes surrounding Bodie Island Lighthouse offer a self-guided nature trail. There are parking areas provided at the lighthouse visitors center. This is an excellent area for coastal bird-watching --even during the winter months. Glossy ibis, heron, egret, and other wading birds abound from spring until autumn. This has been a short visit on our way down the Outer Banks. Click on the lighthouse below and it will guide us to our next destination.